Friday, 26 May 2017

Weekly Reflection

Yesterday was fun because we got to do electronic things like racing our little cars first we got wires to put in the circuit and LEDs and we made this little LED light to light up and we put four of them on our circuit and we got to use the buzzer and whenever you flicked the switch it made a really really loud sound. and two days ago steve gurney came around he is an inspirational talker He talked about how he always get last in the cross countries but when he got to high school in the longer run he gets around the middle of the bunch so he said "hey I'm better and long distance runs. so he done a marathon it was his first time and im pretty sure he got 23rd then he tried again got 3rd and then he started training more he done the marathon but he got third again so he trained even more and he got second and he was sure he could get first but he did not so then he said to himself "I should be doing smarter training not longer training" so he done smarter trainer then for the fifth time he's done it he got first place.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I liked his stories about being 'smarter' with his training. Its no fluke that he one the Coast to Coast (not a marathon) 9 times. He worked out EXACTLY what he needed to do to win. Awesome stuff, glad you got heaps out of it :)


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