Tuesday 10 September 2019

Warm bodies #3

The reason everyone is zombies is because of a terrible disease that wiped the whole human race its about zombie romance a character called R starts going out with a girl called Julie another zombie they are starting to get more and more into each other and R is starting to turn more human like as the days go on.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Warm Bodies Book

So far this book has been about a world with only zombies the book is in the prospective of a guy at a early stage of death in the zombie world.

In the zombie world there is different stages of being a zombie. He talks about how its like being a zombie and  how it is a lot calmer than it was like being a human. He also is not attracted by how anyone looks because they are all half dying zombies.

This book is called Warm Bodies And the author is Isaac Marion.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Today I learned that if you mix Magnesium and Oxygen you make a white solid or Magnesium Oxide. You make it by lighting Magnesium on fire until it catches a flame. The flame is bright white more bright than a normal flame.

Magnesium + Oxygen → Magnesium Oxide
Silver/grey solid + Clear colourless gas → white powdery solid

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Robotics with ms Chowfin

This year in robotics we tried to make a buggy we made ours out of Lego and it was controlled with the Edison but our prototype was made out of paper and tape which is a big down grade from our lego one. we have learned a lot about the Edison and the sphero

Robotics is not just robots it has a lot of thing's it branches out to a lot of things like
engineering,Science,Construction,Operation,Building and a lot more. we also use robots like
Sphero,Ozbot and Edison.

Mars is a very hot planet the reason why is because it's the 4th closest planet to the sun and a rocky one too. and there are 2 moons of mars but earth only has 1 which is pretty cool. And a mars day is 24 hours and 37 mins long but an earth day is 23 hours and 57 minutes.

Here is some info about the Edison:

 We have not used to much of Edison but it is pretty fun but the least fun of them all. You can put lego blocks onto the Edison for design and you can program him to do stuff and is powered by batteries the micro-controller can do stuff too if just tap the micro-controller once for it to move direction and it’s good for learning.

Here is some info about the Ozobot:
Ozobot is very small but that does not mean its not smart. It follows the marker that comes with the ozobot and it is very good at following the only way you can fool it is if you cross lines

Here is some info about the Sphero:

Sphero is a robot that has a lot of uses but you have to have an electronic device for it to work you use your phone/computer to move it forward backwards and side to side and you can use it for education or just games for fun.

Here is a picture of our buggy:

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Camp reflection

It started on Monday when I was walking down to school at 8:15 I was excited but a bit nervous at the same time I was in MatÄ“'s car. when we were going we went into the car then it was the ride to temple basin. we got to the destination but not really it was up a giant hill it was so tiring I fell over more times than I can count but it was worth it. we got up there we unpacked all the stuff into our room's and went and played with the ping pong table that was there. we had spicy chicken rice coleslaw and a wrap.  we were up till like 10:30 telling joke's and talking I had the worst sleep ever I got like 4 hours of sleep then on tomorrow for breakfast I had 2 pieces of marmite on toast then we woke up played some ping pong and skied I learned how to go a lot slower I was using the ski lift I used it a bit. I skied with   MatÄ“ most of the time. then we finished skiing we grabbed our bag's and took them to the Goods Lift so they would go to the bottom of the mountain then we walked sometimes slid down the mountain. then we got our bags went into the car and got home. my favourite thing about the trip was skidding with the skis.

Friday 4 August 2017

Making a business

This week we were learning about making businesses through social media now here is my opinion on this. Well, I really like this idea because it lets your work go to other people more easier without mass amounts of advertising. most people just use Instagram or Twitter for texting their friend's but you can use it for so many other reasons like sharing your businesses so you get more people coming and they might tell their friends about how good your business is then their friends might come. And if you start young it will help you when you get older. also, you get some money for doing it so you can save money for having a website or just something that will help you out and this is why I think having a business when you're young is a really good idea and more schools should teach about this math might be good and all but you can make businesses too.